Student Loan Payment Pause Extended

Student Loan Payment Pause Extended

Student Loan Payment Pause Extension February 8, 2022:  For those with outstanding student loan obligations, the weight of debt is heavy, even if placed on a backburner slightly due to the option of payment pauses made available by the government. Inflation, Omicron,...
Performance and Benchmark Considerations

Performance and Benchmark Considerations

Performance Considerations: Diversification and Benchmarks January 31, 2022. By J.D. Wolfsberg: In covering the financial markets, the media often focuses on three prominent market indices; ‘The Dow’ ‘The S&P 500’ and the ‘Nasdaq’. These popular indices represent...
4th Quarter Market Commentary and Outlook

4th Quarter Market Commentary and Outlook

Fourth Quarter Market Commentary January 13, 2022: The ease of access to information and media are both a blessing and a curse. With headlines always at their height in the last quarter of the year, our investment team has compiled their market commentary to cut...
What Is a Tax Credit, and Which Apply to Me?

What Is a Tax Credit, and Which Apply to Me?

What are Tax Credits, and Which Apply to Me? January 6, 2022: Throughout tax season we will be posting key tax-terms to assist with your preparation conversations for your 2021 filing. Oftentimes it is easy to overlook basic terms without understanding, so we will...
PPP Forgiveness and Tax Planning

PPP Forgiveness and Tax Planning

PPP Loan Forgiveness and Tax Planning  December 27, 2021: The approaching New Year will don a new tax season, and it’s time to consider what that means for any Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans you may have taken during the pandemic in order to keep your...