LFH: Realities and Tips for Life From Home

LFH: Realities and Tips for Life From Home

After months of basically quarantining as a family with little ones and elderly parents, you can generally add FH to anything for us- work from home, school from home, workout from home, therapy from home, you name it.  And we know that we are not alone with so many...
Planning for Home Improvements

Planning for Home Improvements

With summer activities now limited and more time spent at home, it can be tempting to give in to daydreams of home renovations, revamping décor, and the completion of overdue projects.  While the may be excess funds in the bank account from the slow moving summer,...
Repost: The Benefits of Kindness and Compassion

Repost: The Benefits of Kindness and Compassion

Given the challenges faced by so many in the current environment, we thought we would repost an article recapping one of our favorite in-house events featuring Dr. Tara Cousineau speaking about her book “The Kindness Cure”. If you did not have a chance to read when it...
Wealth Transfer: More than Just Assets

Wealth Transfer: More than Just Assets

In dealing with families on a holistic planing level, we often provide guidance on wealth transfer.  Given the uniqueness of family dynamics, these discussions can surround many topics. Assets aside, wealth transfer should also be accompanied by knowledge transfer in...
A Convenient Way to Get Away: Timeshare Basics

A Convenient Way to Get Away: Timeshare Basics

With days now longer and weather warmer, it is easy to slip into a daydream envisioning getaways and escaping the four walls of your home or office.  While travelers are more frequently looking for a place that provides space and relaxation rather than nightlife and...