December 23, 2019. By Jennifer Wolfsberg: Year-end is always a reflective time, and our team has enjoyed looking back at our philanthropic experiences throughout the year. As you may recall, our charitable initiative for 2019 was to dedicate office hours each month to...
December 11, 2019. By Lori Patterson: I recently took a six-week class to learn meditation for sports. As you may recall from my previous writings, I am an avid runner with many of my routines including long distances and marathon training. Meditation during athletic...
December 6, 2019. By Courtney Summa: With the end of the year approaching, about a third of the year’s annual giving takes place. It’s wonderful to see so many people supporting worthy charitable organizations to help make a difference. Whether you support our...
November 7, 2019. By Anthony Norris: As Veteran’s Day approaches we are reminded to reflect upon and thank those who have so bravely served our country. With past and present service members in our own firm and families, the holiday carries feelings of pride...
October 21, 2019. By Ashley Agnew: We are so very lucky to have such extraordinary higher education and research facilities domestically, with many right here in the areas in and around Boston. With so much innovation coming out of our area, especially in healthcare,...
October 15, 2019. By Kevin Donohue: Throughout the week we are often so focused on our daily grind and furthering ourselves professionally that we sometimes do not think about taking care of our bodies. As a result of this busy lifestyle, health takes a back seat....