Three Financial Buckets to Fill

Three Financial Buckets to Fill

October 30, 2018. By John Wolfsberg:  We meet often with individuals and couples at varying stages of their careers. While the range of economic profiles differ significantly from one client to the next, many clients face similar challenges. Often times we hear a...
Jennifer Wolfsberg in Authority Magazine

Jennifer Wolfsberg in Authority Magazine

October 18, 2018. By Jennifer Wolfsberg:  I recently had the honor of being interviewed by Authority Magazine to discuss personal lessons learned in leadership throughout the course of my career and, perhaps more importantly, throughout the growth of our firm.  The...
Self-Reliance in the Modern Age

Self-Reliance in the Modern Age

October 22, 2018. By Matthew Okaty: When it comes to technology and keeping up with its relentless pace, it’s pretty clear that millennials and the younger generation have the advantage.  Not only are children generally able to learn new skills more quickly than...
Anthony Norris Volunteers with Save The Bay

Anthony Norris Volunteers with Save The Bay

October 4, 2018. By Anthony Norris: In recognition of Centerpoint’s Year of Giving, and being an avid sailor who loves spending time on the water, I chose to volunteer with Save the Bay in September.  Save the Bay is an organization comprised of volunteers and staff...
Managing the Lost and Found Box for Your Family

Managing the Lost and Found Box for Your Family

September 27, 2018. By Jennifer Wolfsberg: Each year there are millions of dollars lost or abandoned as families have undiscovered assets, have lost track of gifted or inherited assets, or have given up on the idea that they can redeem such assets for cash value due...
Overcoming the Obstacle of Credit Card Debt

Overcoming the Obstacle of Credit Card Debt

September 21, 2018. By Courtney Summa: It’s always a good feeling when you are in a strong financial position, however despite best efforts it is possible to end up in a bind. With the access to your credit card sometimes feeling like a “get out of jail free” card...