Centerpoint Working Remotely on January 4th

Centerpoint Working Remotely on January 4th

January 3, 2018. By R. Anthony Norris: Due to inclement weather and for the safety of our team and clients, we will be working remotely tomorrow, Thursday, January 4th.  Although we will not be present in our office, you may still reach us by calling our regular...
Inheriting Individual Retirement Accounts

Inheriting Individual Retirement Accounts

January 3, 2018. By Lori Patterson: IRA (Individual Retirement Account) owners have the option of listing one or more beneficiaries and the percentage of the assets they will leave to each heir. Depending on the relationship of the owner and the beneficiary of the...
Happy New Year and Holiday Hours

Happy New Year and Holiday Hours

December 29, 2017. By John Wolfsberg: As we close out 2017, we want to thank our clients, colleagues, and friends of the firm for a wonderful year. With the help of so many we continue to grow our valued relationships and expand our services with the goal of providing...
Charitable Initiative: A Year of Giving

Charitable Initiative: A Year of Giving

December 20, 2017. By Ashley Agnew: At the end of each year, we coordinate a charitable initiative to support a cause that is important to us as a firm.  Throughout the holiday season, we raise awareness and support for that singular charity via our communication...
Technology’s Effect on Sleep and Health

Technology’s Effect on Sleep and Health

December 15, 2017. By Courtney Summa: Technology has become a huge part of our lives, making things in life a bit more convenient. With such easy and immediate access to communication, however, most of us are guilty of sending one last email or scrolling through...