Charity Spotlight: Science Club for Girls April 6, 2023: We are so fortunate to learn about many wonderful local organizations through discussions with our clients and colleagues. Sometimes we learn about these by assisting clients with grants through their...
SECURE 2.0 and Retirement Planning Updates January 9, 2023. By Olga Okaty: President Biden recently signed into law the SECURE 2.0 spending bill, which includes many new provisions affecting retirement plans. With the bill covering a broad array of planning topics, we...
7 Things to Ask Your New Trainer in 2023 January 4, 2023: January is often a time of rejuvenated attention to our bodies, minds, health, and fitness. For some, reaching physical fitness goals is a compliment to overall wellbeing, yet can be difficult to reach without...
Retirement Saving on Your List of Resolutions? Good News for 2023. December 30, 2022: The season of resolutions is upon us. For investors with the goal of boosting retirement account balances on their list, the IRS’s announcement on October 21, 2022 brings good news....
Season’s Greetings and Holiday Hours December 23, 2022 Season’s Greetings. 2022 provided us another year of being able to say that this has certainly been like no other. Yet again citizens around the globe were faced with uncertainty and unknowns,...