Hofmann Shares Important Insurance Considerations

Hofmann Shares Important Insurance Considerations

In speaking with the many professionals with whom we collaborate on behalf of clients, a common theme during this time of crisis and uncertainty is that of appropriate insurance coverage.  We discussed this with Adam Hofmann of FB Insure and he provided a great video...
Stimulus Payments and Retirement Plan Relief

Stimulus Payments and Retirement Plan Relief

As the current health and economic situations continues to evolve, we wanted to share two important planning updates resulting from recent legislation and policy developments: Stimulus Payment Timeline and Details The Treasury Department and the IRS announced this...
Putting Market Downturns Into Perspective

Putting Market Downturns Into Perspective

Since emerging from the 2008 financial crisis, markets can overall be considered cooperative. Stocks have continued to move higher, while falling bond yields saw fixed income investors enjoy bumper returns. Volatility remained low relative to history, and while we did...
Coronavirus Fears Drive Market Correction

Coronavirus Fears Drive Market Correction

After significant selling earlier in the week, global equity markets came under further pressure today as investors grapple with the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and its impact on economic growth. As of this writing, the S&P 500 Index is down -10.7% for the...
Owner Occupied Rental Properties

Owner Occupied Rental Properties

February 4, 2020. By Anthony Norris: Getting into real estate investing can be challenging, especially if you have limited experience and resources. A good starting point, however, may be to research the value of owner-occupied properties. This style of living...