December 22, 2016. By Jennifer Wolfsberg: Divorce in our country has doubled over the last 20 years among people over the age of 50. For these individuals, it can be a tough challenge to restart a new life under very different income and asset base circumstances. ...
December 1, 2016. By Matthew Okaty: Being the victim of identity theft can be an overwhelming experience. In addition to the possible financial loss, there is also the loss of time spent tending to the crisis and performing damage control. Familiarizing yourself in...
Each year the Centerpoint Team “adopts” a cause for the holiday season. As you may recall, last year we volunteered at the Winslow Farm Animal Sanctuary and held a drive at the office in collection of canned pet food to donate to the farm. We were...
October 4, 2016. By John Wolfsberg: It is a blessed feeling to have a wonderful spouse and great children. When you are in such a household, as are many of our clients and colleagues, there is seemingly nothing that one would not do to provide for their family,...
September 28, 2016. By Matt Okaty: Most people know at least one person that has gone through a divorce and so have probably heard that few things go as planned. We hear this often in speaking with clients and trusted business professionals. Regardless of all the...
September 13, 2016. By Jennifer Wolfsberg: There comes a time in life when a shift of professional interest seems to occur. It is not an abrupt or obvious feeling, and for some it is a gradual redirection of career focus or personal interest. The self-awareness that...