Matt Okaty Volunteers at Memory Cafe in Cambridge

Matt Okaty Volunteers at Memory Cafe in Cambridge

July 31, 2018. By Matthew Okaty: “Nothing is ever really lost to us as long as we remember it.” ― L.M. Montgomery Everyone ages – it’s a fact of life.  Many of us will lose our hair, our teeth, our hearing and eyesight.  A good sense of humor can help us...
Portfolio Commentary: Performance Benchmarking

Portfolio Commentary: Performance Benchmarking

July 25, 2018. By Mark Barry: After a year in which almost all asset classes exhibited solid positive returns, 2018 has been mixed thus far with respect to performance across the financial markets. In the United States stocks are up, with small caps handily outpacing...
Yields on Money Market Funds are Moving Up-Finally

Yields on Money Market Funds are Moving Up-Finally

July 17, 2018. By John Wolfsberg: It wasn’t too long ago that yields on most money market funds were essentially zero. In fact, had most mutual funds levied their full management fee on these types of funds the yield would have been negative! When the financial crisis...
Tips for Flying with Babies and Toddlers

Tips for Flying with Babies and Toddlers

July 13, 2018. By Lori Patterson: Whether getting away for a few weeks or just a few days, vacations are a much-needed reprieve for any family. Flying with babies and infants, however, can make the process of getting to-and-from paradise a bit daunting.  Luckily with...
Smooth Sailing and Boat Purchasing Tips

Smooth Sailing and Boat Purchasing Tips

July 2, 2018. By Anthony Norris: Summer is in full swing and with fireworks lighting up the sky it is time to hit the water and enjoy the pleasures of boating. If you are an experienced boater you know how rewarding and costly boat ownership can be. For those wanting...
Jennifer Wolfsberg Featured on Leadership Panel

Jennifer Wolfsberg Featured on Leadership Panel

June 26, 2018. By Ashley Agnew:  On Tuesday, June 19th Jennifer participated in a panel sponsored by XPX New England at McLane Middleton in Woburn titled “Follow the Money: The Profitable Female Perspective”. She was chosen to participate in the panel due to her...