The Team at Centerpoint is Growing

The Team at Centerpoint is Growing

Centerpoint Welcomes New Team Members March 26, 2021, By Ashley Agnew: Centerpoint is happy to announce that our team is growing in more ways than one. We are excited to be bringing a new Client Operations associate onboard this month, and welcome Taylor Persechini to...
Tax Deadline Extended for Individuals

Tax Deadline Extended for Individuals

Tax Deadline Extended for Individuals March 19, 2021: The Treasury Department and Internal Revenue Service announced on March 17th that the federal income tax filing due date for individuals for the 2020 tax year will be automatically extended from April 15, 2021, to...
Networking in a Virtual World

Networking in a Virtual World

Networking in a Virtual World February 19, 2021. By Ashley Agnew: While there is hope ahead for gatherings larger than our respective predisposed or chosen “bubbles”, there is still likely quite a way to go before we see in-person conferences or networking events take...
Client Notice: Tax Document Update

Client Notice: Tax Document Update

Client Notice: Tax Document Distribution February 1, 2021. By Kevin Donohue: In the coming weeks Fidelity will be issuing preliminary tax documents, and you may have already received email correspondence indicating this.  Per usual, we will be gathering these...
Jennifer Wolfsberg Featured on XPX Panel

Jennifer Wolfsberg Featured on XPX Panel

Featured Panel: When Advisors Collide January 28, 2020. By Ashley Agnew: A business transition is an emotional time for a business owner and tensions can run high while they navigate the many layers and demands of the process. With multiple advisors necessary to...
Discussing Personal Debt in a Relationship

Discussing Personal Debt in a Relationship

Discussing Personal Debt in a Relationship January 15, 2021. By Ashley Agnew: The beginning stages of a relationship are exciting as the shooting stars of promised wishes decorate the pleasant exchanges of new love. The encapsulating feelings of warmth and security...